beleved black blue bp butt cc cm dd ditto down epsilon evenly false fullcircle green halfcircle identity in infinity left mitered mm nullpicture origin pc pencircle pensquare pt quartercircle red right rounded squared true unitsquare up white withdots
# KEYWORDS6: Operators
& * ** + ++ +-+ - / < = > <= >= <> abs angle arclength arctime ASCII bbox bluepart boolean bot ceiling center char color cosd cutafter cutbefore cycle decimal dir direction point time div dotprod floor fontsize greenpart hex infont intersectionpoint intersectiontimes inverse known length lft llcorner lrcorner makepath makeopen mexp mlog mod normaldeviate not numeric oct odd or pair path pen penoffset picture point postcontrol redpart reverse rotated round rt scaled shifted sind slanted sqrt str string subpath top transform transformed ulcorner uniformdeviate unitvector unknown urcorner whatever xpart xscaled xxpart xypart ypart yscaled yxpart yypart zscaled
# KEYWORDS7: Conditionals and Loops
downto else elseif endfor for forsuffixes forever if fi step until
# KEYWORDS8: Auxiliar
and curl tension dashed of to upto withcolor withpen